10 Tips To Cope With Stress-Related Hair Loss - Part 1

These are some pretty stressful times for everyone – and rather than tearing out our hair, some of us are seeing it fall out anyway. So let’s take a quick look at how stress and anxiety play a role in hair loss – but also offer up ten tips on how to counter those effects.
First off, there are three general conditions that can trigger hair loss.
Telogen effluvium
Sometimes stress can force hair follicles into a resting phase – which is why telogen effluvium is a common cause of temporary hair loss. It can be caused by stress, poor nutrition, and changes in hormone levels.
This is a psychological condition wherein people pull their hair out under stressful and tense situations. It’s most commonly witnessed in teenage girls.
Alopecia areata
This is a condition that sees the body’s own immune system attacking hair follicles. It can lead to thinning hair or bald spots and can come and go over time. While not caused by stress – it’s assumed genetics play a role – it can be incredibly stressful.
Stress and Hair Loss: Reminder Tips to Cope
Stress comes in many forms. Any kind of stressful situation can lead to hair loss including surgery, chronic illness, pregnancy, financial concerns, anti-depressant medication, relationship issues, and injury. Here are some tips that we all know to help but good to remember during these times.
Not sleeping properly can add to both mental and physical stress. Find a regular sleep pattern to get yourself in; that means going to sleep and waking up around the same time every day. The latest advice tells us that seven hours sleep is ideal. To help, avoid doing anything stimulating before bedtime; don’t go near scary films or the news, and don’t eat or exercise then either. Take a hot bath or read a book.
A healthy diet does wonders! It gives us energy and helps deal with stress (it also strengthens the hair so it’s less likely to fall out). Eat at least three balanced meals a day including a breakfast to get your metabolism going. Try avoiding processed foods, sugary foods, and foods high in trans-fats. Add more fruit and veggies to your diet. Introduce a vitamin regimen too, being sure to take vitamins A, B, C, and E, alongside zinc, selenium, and magnesium. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help improve the scalp’s health.
When we exercise, we release endorphins that aid us in feeling more relaxed and calm. You can do any form of exercise – cycling, running, rowing, dancing, etc. – as long as you increase your heart rate. Perhaps do yoga and/or meditation too because they’ve been proven to lower levels of stress.
Friends & Family
We need to talk to a therapist if our emotional stress is building and building. Some therapists currently work via Zoom or other similar type apps so you don’t have to meet in person. But in many cases, talking to our close friends and family can be very cathartic and beneficial.
In our next blog, we’ll go through some more ways to avoid stress-related hair loss! In the meantime, don’t forget, our natural, plant-based product is clinically tested to increase hair strength by up to 300% – so that’s going to help a lot too! From all of us here at Reviv3, we hope you’re keeping healthy!