10 Tips To Cope With Stress-Related Hair Loss - Part 2

Make sure you eating plenty of protein – after all, hair is composed primarily of the stuff so having it in your diet is essential. With little to no protein, hair stops growing – so when existing hair hits the end of it’s natural lifespan and falls out, you’ll notice a thinning. However, with protein back in your diet it will start growing again – so hit that fish, white poultry, eggs, dairy products, beans, beef, veal, pork and tofu!
B vitamins are a great source of healthy hair growth so increase your dose of them. At the same time, you’ll want to watch your intake of A vitamins as too much of them might trigger hair loss. You can find more B vitamins in fish, lean meat, starchy veggies, and non-citrus fruits. To cut back on Vitamin A, try avoiding supplements that contain it (the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A is 5,000 IU.
Low Calorie Diets
If you’re avoiding too many calories, you’re also unwittingly avoiding vitamins, healthy fats, and nutrients – all of which are needed for healthy hair. You’ll want to add calories back in but avoid rapid weight loss which can sometimes trigger hair loss. Lose weight slowly and don’t be afraid of all high-fat, high-calorie foods because some of them are healthy for you (like nuts, oily fish, and avocados).
Treat Your Hair Right
Taking care of your hair will make it stronger. We recommend our three-part system starter kit that is designed (and clinically proven) to strengthen your hair 300%. Avoid hair products with too many chemicals such as sulfates and parabens.
Avoid Over-Styling
The more you blow-dry, straighten, or curl your hair, the more havoc you will wreak on it. Try air-drying your hair naturally (it’s not like you have to go out right now!) or curling your hair with rollers. Be careful of hair-styles that pull on your hair like ponytails because that leads to traction alopecia. Color treatments are another no-no because they can over-process your hair.
To sum up:
Practice relaxation techniques regularly.
Exercise regularly.
Talk to a therapist.
If there’s no therapist option, open up to a friend.
Eat a healthy diet.
Add multivitamins to ensure you’re getting enough.
Treat your hair with care.
Using these tips will give your hair the fighting chance it needs right now as we all stress out about…well, everything.